About the Association - TD Bohinj :TD Bohinj

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Bohinj Tourist Association has followed and upgraded tourist activities in Bohinj since 1947.

About the Association

O društvu

Bohinj Tourist Association has followed and upgraded tourist activities in Bohinj since 1947. The association has 445 members and together we strive for the best possible recognition of Bohinj and its offer in Slovenia and abroad. We put all our efforts in preserving and increasing the number of private accommodation facilities in Bohinj, i.e. to enhance cooperation among the tourism stakeholders in Bohinj and to improve the tourist offer in Bohinj.

In the following years we plan to invest all our efforts and knowledge in the modernisation of advertising and the provision of tourist accommodation, the organisation of events and the image of the tourist area. We want to show our abilities to work as a creative, dynamic team, focused in modern trends that will promote the development of tourism in Bohinj, as well as provide the best possible services to members, employees and clients.

Delovni čas recepcije in trgovine s spominki:

Current working hours:
From Monday to Saturday: 08:00-18:00
Sundays and holidays: 09:00-15:00

July, August:
from Monday to Saturday: 08:00-20:00
Sundays and holidays: 08:00-18:00

May, June, September, October:

From Monday to Saturday: 08:00-19:00
Sundays and holidays: 09:00-15:00

November, December, January, February, March, April:
from Monday to Saturday: 09:00-18:00
Sundays and holidays: 09:00-15:00


Časopis Turističnega društva Bohinj TRAFIC REGIME IN BOHINJ

Highlights from the past of the Bohinj Tourist Board:


1st decade: A new beginning after the Second World War (1946-1956) After the devastation of the Second World War, foreign traffic in Bohinj was actively revived again. The Tourist Board of Slovenia (TDS), Bohinj branch, actively started recruiting members, informing people and the authorities about the purpose of the association, cleaning up the devastation of the war with campaigns, setting up an information service and selling postcards. They also started to improve the area, such as public lighting, benches and the path to the Savica waterfall. The following year, an information kiosk was opened at the then Hotel Sv. Janez. In 1956, a stone bridge was built over the little Savica river. The Tourist Board also contributed to the renovation of hotels and guesthouses, although the authorities did not exactly take requests and applications from Bohinj into account at the time. They were involved in the renovation of the electrical installations, the water supply system, mediated in the allocation of a dentist in Bohinjska Bistrica, in short, they were involved in important matters for Bohinj, not necessarily for tourism purposes. This is also the decade when, in 1950, after the dissolution of the TDS, the Tourist Association of Slovenia was founded and the Bohinj Branch became an independent tourist association. In 1954, the first post-war Cow Ball was organised. In cooperation with 61 accommodation providers, the association offered 241 beds in private rooms. The story of the Tourist Board began with a lot of will and small steps that contributed to the development of both tourism and the quality of life in Bohinj.


2nd decade (1957-1966) With the development of tourism in Bohinj, which was largely due to the work of the active members of the association, the demands of the guests and the tasks carried out by the association also increased. This was the time when the association abandoned activities not directly related to tourism (municipal activities, barber shop, guest house) and concentrated more on propaganda activities, organising events and other purely tourist activities. The Association’s tasks included, among other things: issuing private room assignments, letting camping pitches, registration service for private rooms, campsites and holiday homes, and an information service. With its active membership, the association monitors and participates in almost all tourism projects in Bohinj. In 1960, the first new edition of the Kresna Night was organised, and the association has already offered 980 beds in cooperation with 138 accommodation providers.


3rd decade (1967-1976) During this decade, the association expanded beyond the boundaries and frames of an amateur association and became an important tourist economic association in Bohinj. They were involved in propaganda activities, maintenance of parks, lighting and general beautification and landscaping of the place, providing information boards, running an information service and, from 1970, acting as reception service for all cooperating members bound by contract. The work team already numbered 5 permanent employees and several additional employees during the season.  In winter, FIS cross-country ski races were organised on an international scale, which was also the largest Yugoslav event of its kind at that time. In 1970, a new office was opened at 48 Ribčev Laz. The route to the Savica waterfall was constantly being upgraded. During this and the following period, the Association took the initiative and guaranteed the repayment of the loans taken out by the room owners for the renovation of the foreign rooms, thus raising the quality of their facilities.


4th decade (1977-1986) The Association gradually expanded its activities. Membership was already over 500 and the Association had 5 full-time and 12 to 14 additional staff during the season. Increasingly, the shortage of tourism in Bohinj was also pointed out. One of the major problems was that, apart from its natural features, Bohinj offered too little to tourists and that it was generally underdeveloped in terms of infrastructure. In the context of improving conditions, this decade has been marked by a shift in the development of the tourist offer: asphalting of roads, renovation of paths, improvement of ski slopes and improvement of the gastronomic offer. They are also actively working on recruiting new members, especially young people. In winter, the association successfully organises winter events on ice in cooperation with sports associations.

5th decade (1987-1996) Every year it becomes more and more evident that Bohinj is lagging far behind in comparison with some other tourist destinations and in terms of natural resources. Nevertheless, the association is working and developing. One event in particular marks this decade, the opening of Camp Danica in 1989, which is an important asset for the Association and for Bohinj’s tourist offer in general. The same year was also the opening of the Youth Tourist Office.

6th decade: (1997-2007) The association is still active and is one of the key players in the development of tourism in Bohinj. It has 397 members and their main tasks are: providing tourist information, services and accommodation, organising events, selling souvenirs and managing the Danica campsite, the Savica waterfall and the Church of St. John. In 2004, the Tourist Office was given a completely new exterior and interior design. The renovation of the offices, reception and souvenir shop was completed. In 2007, with the reorganisation of the association, we also started a new way of working, in particular reinforcing the area of marketing and events.


The Bohinj Tourist Board from 2007 to the present day. The Board has 445 members. Every year since the association was founded, at the general assemblies, the members have realised that there are still many unrealised potentials in Bohinj. Every year, the Association invests in the development and renovation of the area and in the organisation of traditional and other events. Recently, we have been actively involved with the local community and Tourism Bohinj and together we are striving to develop the visibility of Bohinj as a tourist destination. With sensitivity to nature and the people of our region, the association is committed to the development of tourism, while at the same time being aware of the wide range of opportunities that have not yet been exploited. We are looking to the future with big new plans, still with Bohinj, the Bohinj people and the visitors to our valley in mind

  • Organs of association
    • Boštjan Mencinger
    • Klemen Langus
    • Dejan Klemenčič
    • Mojca Rozman
    • Klemen Langus
    • Jaka Zupanc
    • Janko Rožič
    • Zdravko Cesar
    • Dušan Jovič
    • Saša Arh Pretnar
    • Borut Rozman
    • Simona Krese
    • Štefan Urh
    • Stanislav Košnik
    • Tončka Malej
    • Tanja Klemenčič
    • Tanja Sodja
  • Competences and tasks of individual bodies:


    Extract of work tasks and responsibilities of individual bodies from the Statute of the Tourist Association Bohinj.

    General Assembly

    It is the supreme part of Association and it is made up of all members of society. The general assembly meeting is convened once a year by the representative of the Association.


    Performs the tasks of the Association, which is entrusted to him by the general assembly on the basis of the rules and who is also responsible for the whole work in the company. As Head of the Board, he refers to the meetings of this body, prepares the agenda and conducts his work.

    Management Board

    The Management Board is the Executive Body of the General Assembly and is fully responsible for its work and conduct. The Board of Directors works at meetings, convened and chaired by the Head of the Management Board. The Board of the Tourist Association has 17 members together with the President and Secretary.

    Supervisory Board

    The Supervisory Board monitors the work of all parts of the company, determines the legality of the adopted resolutions and constantly monitors the financial and material operations of the company.

    Disciplinary panel

    The Disciplinary Tribunal shall consist of the President and three members. It reviews the legality of proceedings, disciplinary violations of members and members of other bodies, and then reports on its work and findings to the board of directors.

  • Association's accountability:
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