Bohinj Night - TD Bohinj :TD Bohinj

Bohinj Night

Bohinj Night 2024  – Party for all generations

Experience the peak of the summer season in Bohinj with fun for all ages. The evening programme includes several musical guests, attractive entertainment and much more. The party will last until 02.00 a.m., so dance-loving visitors are in for a wonderful evening.

For this year’s Bohinj Night, which was known as Bonfire Night until 2019, the Bohinj Tourist Board will make sure that its environmental footprint is as small as possible. In preparing the event, we have tried to balance the wishes of locals and visitors for a spectacular central summer party with our commitment to nature conservation and sustainable development in the Triglav National Park.

We will provide free bus transport to and from the event. This will reduce the pressure of motor traffic by the lake. There will also be no closure of the main road.

We will provide a very lively event with attractions at the Pod Skalco event area, good music for different tastes and generations, and good food and drinks.



17.00 market of local and visiting craftsmen and face painting for children
18.00 Jole Cole the magician – in the park in front of the Pod Skalco event space
18.45 parade of the Bohinj Brass Band and Majorettes from the 4 Hearts Monument to the Pod Skalco event space
19.00 Čuki – children’s programme
20.00 children’s animation with the acrobatic group Dunking Devils
20.15 Čuki
22.00 acrobatic group Dunking Devils show
22.15 Tabu
00.00 DJ Kuky


Join us on the longest summer night in Bohinj!



Photography: Aleš Zdešar, arhiv TD Bohinj

  • Where and when?

    Where: Ribčev Laz

    When: from 10.8.2024 17:00 to 11.8.2024 2:00

  • Special offer

    In order to enjoy the entire weekend in Bohinj and to party at Bohinj Night, book your accomodation as soon as possible! 

  • Traffic and parking
Location: Find us
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